
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sessions with my sister.

I say "sessions" like she's my therapist. Which she kinda is. I don't know any other woman that I can go to for the kind of advice that she throws at me (sorry mama and Sara, no offense). My sister always has been and always will be one of my very bestest friends. I mean, this is the woman with whom I shared a room for a majority of my life. She taught me how to tie my shoes, how to read, how to shave my legs (don't judge). The bare necessities, y'all!

She has always been the one to remind me that God knows the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4- Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart). I keep asking her, "So....if God knows the desires of my heart, then He knows that I want a man with a rocking beard, awesome tattoos, loves the Detroit Red Wings, and loves Christ more than he loves me, right?" To which she replies, "Yes, Jenna...." Which brings me to the ACTUAL point of this post.

Last night, we were standing in line at Chipotle (which has become a seriously common thing since I moved here), and ahead of us in line was a guy with awesome tattoos and an awesome beard, but he was wearing Orioles stuff so I couldn't be having all. HAHA. Then she asked me a question that really got to me. She said, "So let me ask you this. What if a guy comes along and he has NO tattoos and NO beard but he has AWESOME EYES and he loves Christ more than he loves you?"

Now, the awesome eyes thing...that stems from a vision she had of me meeting the man that Christ created just for me. Naturally, there was no flashing billboard with his name and his phone number or anything like that in her vision, just that he had awesome eyes. HUGE help there. That is THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING about this whole "following and trusting in God's plan" thing. HE DOESN'T MAKE IT EASY!!!!!!

Now, to be perfectly honest....if a guy came along and he had NO tattoos and NO beard, but he loved Christ MORE than he loves me (Christ HAS TO BE the foundation- no ifs, ands, or buts about it), then of course I wouldn't turn him away. The thing is is that lately I have been so hung up on what I want instead of resting in what GOD wants for me. It shouldn't be about how a man looks on the outside that matters, it should be about what his HEART looks like. Is his heart created in the exact image of what Christ wants for me? It reminds me of this quote: "A woman's heart should be so hidden by Christ that a man must seek Him first to find her."

It just reminded me that I've been more focused on the world than on Christ, and that happens from time to time. Leave it to my sister to bring me away from that line of thinking, and get me re-focused on what REALLY matters- TRUSTING IN GOD'S PLAN.

until next time,

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