
Sunday, March 30, 2014


The level of excitement that is coursing through me right now is not normal. I mean, come's just a blog post! Why am I so excited about going saran wrap mode and letting you people into the deepest recesses of who I am?

At the moment, I am sitting in my bedroom in Maryland, 3,000 miles away from all of my friends and the life I left behind. What I have not shared, at least not with everyone, is the ACTUAL reason behind my move. 

My sister Katie called me one day in January and as we were talking, she told me that she missed having me live with her. I sensed a hint of sadness in her voice, which set the tears flowing down my face as I cried and told her how much I missed her. For those that don't know, it had been almost three years since I had seen her. Gotta love the military life, keeping families separated for years. She then asked me if I would want to come and live with her again. In Maryland? Can I think about it? Pray about it? Give me some time but YES! 

I prayed. I prayed relentlessly about the decision I was contemplating. I sought prayer from prayer warriors at church, who spoke prophetically from the Holy Spirit about my journey and what was waiting for me here on the East Coast. That was all I needed to hear.
so i listened. 

I've come to this point in my life where I've given up and entrusted my path and my life to God. He already has it written. He already knows what is in store for me. 

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. 
Plans to prosper and not to harm you. 
Plans to give you hope and a future. 

Most of you have probably already read this, since I have posted it on my Facebook more than a few times (aka SEVERAL) since I made the decision to move. There is something to be said about the relief and the release one can feel when you let go of the world and accept that which is NOT of this world. When you LET GO AND LET GOD, amazing things begin to happen. 

Isaiah 6:8
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
Then I said,

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