
Thursday, September 4, 2014

When I am desperate.....HE SHOWS UP!

If you have read ANY of my previous blog posts, then you already know, in a sense, what is coming next. I've talked about this A LOT since starting this blog, but I just can't help it.

When the Holy Spirit moved me to Maryland, oh my gosh was I scared. I had no idea what was in store for me; I did not know WHY I was being moved to Maryland, just that I had to TRUST. The past six months have not been easy. They've been overwhelming, stressful, depressing, lonely, exciting, joyous months. I've made HUNDREDS of friends and when I say HUNDREDS I literally mean that. If you were to go and look on my Facebook profile, I have 137 mutual friends with ONE person. That is HUNDREDS of friends that I have made here in Maryland in the past six months. Nothing has been easy here; I've been struggling financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally. That's not to say that I'm not full of love and laughter everyday- my nieces and nephews make everyday more interesting than the last, and laughing with my sister as we share secretive glances and glasses of wine are blessings that I cannot thank God enough for.

When I am REALLY desperate though...oh man, does God show up!!! Which, in turn, just strengthens my faith in Him and encourages me to keep on trusting in HIS plan for my life. Lately, I've been feeling like He was going to show up and give me a break. I've been feeling like all my struggles would soon prove to be little bumps in the road. I've been feeling like He is about to reward me for staying strong and not breaking down (I've been on the verge more than a few times) and for continuing to TRUST Him; and MAN OH MAN did He just set things in motion!

I have my own plan for things, like getting back in school and getting on my own two feet and gaining independence and living an amazing life. Then there's God's plan for my life where I have NO IDEA what He's got in store for me except that it's all laid out in Jeremiah 29:11 and I have to keep on trusting in that plan, no matter how frustrating it can be at times. No matter what, I know that God has my back, and when His plan comes full's gonna be amazing.
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