
Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Happy Wednesday. Good ole hump day. Sitting here thinking about anything and everything all at the same time, while my nieces and nephews play with play-doh and make a mess on the carpet, as Abby runs around without a diaper and yelling "NAH!" when I ask her if she needs to go potty, and texting my BFF back home whom I miss with all of my soul, and just wishing for some sort of provisions to help get me home because I miss her and those beautiful boys of hers.

Have you heard of that app called Timehop? Everyday it sends you basically a flashback reel of what you had posted on Facebook the past few years, and today my Timehop flashback consisted of pictures of my last couple of weeks with my ex, Jimmy. Sometimes I look back on our relationship and I really cannot believe that we stayed together for FOUR YEARS. We went through SO MUCH that would have essentially ripped any other couple apart, and yet we survived. The deployments, the training, the long distance. There were times when I was convinced that we weren't going to make it, but we did. The fact that we aren't together anymore is just proof that God had a different plan for my life, and I cannot be upset about that. It's been almost a year since we broke up, and in the past year I've realized that he was holding me back from tapping into who I really am. Don't get me wrong- Jimmy taught me things about myself not only as a woman, but as a human. He helped make me a stronger version of myself and for that, I will always thank him. I really do wish him nothing but happiness in every aspect of his life.

When God called me to Maryland, I had no idea what was in store for me. I sit here and I look back on the past (almost) five months that I have been here and I'm blown away by the friendships that I have made. My friends here have helped fill the void that I had felt for the past (almost) year. I don't know what God has in store for me in the love department but if I trust in His plan, then I know that it is bound to be something amazing.

Well, time to sign off and make the kiddos some lunch. There's a huge bowl of guacamole in the refrigerator calling my name.

Have a blessed, beautiful day.
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